
Name SATO Masahisa
Official Title Professor
Affiliation Environmental Education, Internatinal Cooperation
Profile Dr. Masahisa Sato is a Professor of Tokyo City University in Japan. He has been worked in the field of Environmental Education, ESD, Education for Sustainable Consumption in the Asia-Pacific Region. Before he joined the University, He worked, as a Research Associate (environmental education and capacity development) at the Institute of Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), and as a Senior Programme Specialist (international educational cooperation) at the Asia/Pacific Cultural Center for UNESCO (ACCU). He has also been involved in various policy processes, capacity building programmes, educational implementation processes for sustainability at national and Asia-Pacific regional level. He was working as a Visiting Professor of UNU-IAS, a JICA Technical Advisor (Environmental Education), a member of national ESD round table meeting, an IGES Senior Fellow, and Co-chair of PN1 (Advancing Policy) of UNESCO ESD-GAP Programme. He holds a B.Sc. / M.Sc. from the University of Tsukuba, JAPAN, and Ph.D. from the University of Salford, UK.
Research Field(Keyword & Summary)
  1. Environmental Education

    The research include: comparative poicy research, key competencies in sustainability, cognitive changes of perception on environment, ethical studies, case analysis of social learning and collaborative governance.

Representative Papers
  1. Yamazaki, E., Iguchi, M., Okitsu, T., Kitamura, Y., Sato, M. and Yamamoto, T. 2015. Literacies as a strategic means of implementation for Sustainable Development Goals: Lessons from Health and Water Literacies, Global Environmental Research, pp.173-180.
  2. Sato, M. and Abe, O. 2013. United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD), The Creation, DESD-IIS and Further Actions, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Kominkan/Community Learning Centre (CLC):Promotion of ESD by utilizing Kominkans/ CLCs, Okayama University Press, pp.2-18.
  3. Sato, M. and Nakayama S. 2013. Development of DESD International Implementation Scheme (DESD-IIS) and Japanese Contribution to DESD, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Kominkan/Community Learning Centre (CLC):Promotion of ESD by utilizing Kominkans/ CLCs, Okayama University Press, pp.19-34.
  4. Sato, M., Bhandari, B. and Abe, O. 2002. “Co-operation in Environmental Education at the Tertiary Level in the Asia-Pacific Region”, The International Journal of Environmental Education and Information, Vol.20., No.4., pp.287-298.
  5. Sato, M., Bhandari, B. and Abe, O. 2001. “The Delivery System of Environmental Education at the Tertiary Level in the Asia-Pacific Region”, The International Journal of Environmental Education and Information, Vol.20., No.3., pp.147-156.
Affiliated academic society (Membership type) Japanese Society of Environmental Education
Education Field (Undergraduate level) Environmental Education, Envirnmental Ethics, Global CLIL
Education Field (Graduate level) Environmental Communication and Governanve
