Study at TCU


Name YAMAMOTO Fumika
Official Title Professor
Affiliation Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Profile My specialty is philosophy and ethics. So far, I have revisited the theory of others from the perspective of person. Currently I am interested in bioethics, especially brain-death, organ transplantation and euthanasia. I am also thinking about how life should be after 3.11.
Research Field(Keyword & Summary)
  1. Applied ethics, Bioethics, Philosophy of language,

    I am studying the social background , ethos and the ethical basis of euthanasia.

Representative Papers
  1. 1,Some Matters to Consider Before Introducing Euthanasia to Japan : On Japanese Ethos Related to Brain Death and Euthanasia, MORALIA, No.27, 2020
  2. 2.Bioethics of future fatigue - revaluation of the right to be stupid in medical care, Shisaku(Meditations), No.51, 2018
  3. 3.An ethical design to put the precautionary principle into practice after 3.11, Philosophia-Iwate, No.47, 2016
  4. 4.In Pursuit of an Ethical Principle for Low-dose Radiation Exposure after 3.11, Journal of Philosophy and Ethics in Health Care and Medicine, No.8, 2014
  5. 5.Whereabouts is the Ordinary? - An Ethical Response to Nuclear Waste and Brain Death -, Shisaku(Meditations), No.45(2), 2012
Award Watsuji Award,The Japanese Society for Ethics, 2003
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Support: Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Recruitment of research assistant(s) No
