Study at TCU


Name YASUI Hiroyuki
Official Title Assistant Professor
Affiliation Natural Sciences Division, Liberal Arts and Sciences
Profile My research field is ICT education for higher education and high school students in Japan. Analysis of ICT skills of first-year students, teaching method of ICT education, learning analysis of LMS activity are main topics.
Research Field(Keyword & Summary)
  1. Analysis of ICT skills of first-year university students

    In PISA 2018, Japanese score is top level in three domains, reading literacy, mathematics leteracy, and science literacy, but ICT activity for learning is worst level in OECD member countries. The purpose of this research is to track the secular change of ICT skills of first-year university students and clarify the actual situation of ICT education in Japan.

  2. Learning analysis of LMS activity

    Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, Japanese university education is rapidly becoming online. In these situations, Learning Analytics plays an important role in keeping track of students' learning status. The purpose of this research is to analyze the activity history of LMS used by students to obtain information useful for improving education.

Representative Papers
  1. Learing Analytics of On-demand Lessons Using LMS Logs, Journal of Liberal Arts and Sciences a Tokyo City University, pp.115-130, Vol.14, 2021
  2. A Statistical Survey of ICT Environment of 2019 Freshmen at Tokyo City University, Journal of Liberal Arts and Sciences a Tokyo City University, pp.85-106, Vol.13, 2020
  3. Development of Learning-Assessment Support System, Journal of Japan Society of Educational Information, Vol.22-1, pp.13-22, 2006
  4. Fuzzy Prolog based of Lukasiewicz implication, Logic Programming and Soft Computing, pp.51-68, Research Studies Presss, 1998
Recruitment of research assistant(s) No
Affiliated academic society (Membership type) Japanese Association for Education of Information Studies (Regular member)
Informaiton Processing Society of Japan (Regular member)
Education Field (Undergraduate level) Information Literacy, Computer Programing, Information Education
