
Undergraduate School

This is an outline as of June, 2021 for the application procedure at our univerisity.
For more details and up-to-date information on how to apply, please refer to the latest“Guide to Application for International Students (外国人留学生特別入試 入学試験要項)”issued around the end of September.

Faculty of Science and Engineering

Admissions Policy

Human Resource Training and Educational Research Objectives

The Faculty of Science and Selection by Oral Communication combines engineering, which supports the manufacturing that forms the basis of scientific technology, and science, which aims to search for the truth in natural science. Our objective is to train professionals equipped with advanced technological capabilities and an ability to think logically to be able to respond to the needs of society. This is achieved by acquiring basic and special knowledge in the field of science and engineering and then by putting things into practice based on scientific evidence. We do this under our educational philosophy of “theory and practice.”

The Students We Are Seeking

  • Those who thoroughly understand what they studied in high school and who are equipped with the fundamental academic skills to study a specialized field
  • Those with a strong interest in natural science and scientific technology and who are willing to tackle unknown challenges
  • Those aiming to acquire expertise and the ability to put things into practice by learning in the Faculty of Science and Engineering
  • Those who have the intention to contribute to the sustainable development of society and the welfare of humanity by being able to express their own thoughts with a multifaceted ability to think and a broad field of vision

Study in High School

It is recommended that you have taken the following subjects in high school to successfully complete your studies in the Faculty of Science and Engineering without hardship.

  • Mathematics (Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics III, Mathematics A and Mathematics B)
  • Science (Basic Physics, Basic Chemistry, Basic Biology, Advanced Physics, Advanced Chemistry and Advanced Biology)
  • English (English Communication I, English Communication II, English Communication III, English Expression I and English Expression II)

Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design

Admissions Policy

Human Resource Training and Educational Research Objectives

The objective of the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design is to train architects and engineers who possess the technical skills to be able to respond to various problems in architecture and urban engineering with design skills that have theoretical backing based on ideas in line with reality. This is based on our educational philosophy of the academic pursuit of various problems in architecture and cities while having a perspective of design from the living environment to the urban environment as well as the global environment.

The Students We Are Seeking

  • Those who thoroughly understand what they studied in high school and who are equipped with the fundamental academic skills necessary to study architecture and urban engineering
  • Those with a strong interest in architecture and cities and who are willing to tackle unknown challenges and carry out design
  • Those aiming to acquire expertise and the ability to put things into practice by learning in the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design
  • Those who have the intention to contribute to the sustainable development of society and the welfare of humanity with a broad field of vision by being able to think about the relationship between architecture/urban engineering and society

Study in High School

It is recommended that you have taken the following subjects in high school to successfully complete your studies in the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design without hardship.

  • Mathematics (Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics III, Mathematics A and Mathematics B)
  • Science (Basic Physics, Basic Chemistry, Advanced Physics and Advanced Chemistry)
  • English (English Communication I, English Communication II, English Communication III, English Expression I and English Expression II)

It is recommended that you have taken all the subjects studied in high school in multiple levels in addition to the above.

Faculty of Information Technology

Admissions Policy

Human Resource Training and Educational Research Objectives

The modern information society is evolving into a super-smart society with the increase in sophistication of networks and the advancement of big data analysis technologies and artificial intelligence (AI). This super-smart society needs engineers who have acquired a variety of special knowledge in information science, engineers who can freely command the IoT, and engineers who have the ability to be able to apply AI and big data analysis technologies to solve various problems. The objective of the Faculty of Information Technology is to train professionals who will create knowledge to contribute to the development of the super-smart society.

The Students We Are Seeking

  • Those with the intention of creating new value (creation of knowledge) from innovation in the super-smart society
  • Those with an interest and spirit of inquiry toward mathematics and natural science and who possess both fundamental academic skills and the ability to think
  • Those with the aspiration to acquire knowledge and technical skills to support the super-smart society
  • Those with the intention of engaging in collaborative work by communicating with people who have different nationalities, backgrounds and specialties using the knowledge and technical skills they have acquired

Study in High School

Please acquire the fundamental academic skills focused on mathematics, science and English in high school to successfully complete your studies in the Faculty of Information Technology without hardship. In particular, it is recommended that you have taken Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics III, Mathematics A and Mathematics B for mathematics, and English Communication I, English Communication II, English Communication III, English Expression I and English Expression II for English.

Faculty of Environmental Studies

Admissions Policy

Human Resource Training and Educational Research Objectives

It is necessary to comprehensively understand and improve the relationship between the natural ecosystem and society to solve environmental problems. To that end, the Faculty of Environmental Studies aims to equip professionals with the ability to create regional or urban environments in harmony with nature, and professionals with the ability to help realize a social system that has a reduced environmental burden while maintaining and improving quality of life.

The Students We Are Seeking

  • Those who are motivated to realize an urban environment and sustainable society that takes into consideration the conservation/restoration of ecosystems and the environment
  • Those who want to acquire knowledge and skills related to the mechanisms of nature and analysis/investigation of the environment
  • Those who want to acquire the ability to understand environmental problems and the power of expression to communicate these problems and their solutions
  • Those who can act independently to solve environmental problems and who can also cooperate with others around them
  • Those who are motivated to become a part of global society where diverse people and values coexist

Study in High School

It is recommended that you have taken the following subjects in high school, which would prepare you to successfully complete your studies in the Faculty of Environmental Studies without hardship

  • Mathematics (Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics A and Mathematics B)
  • Japanese Language (Integrated Japanese Language)
  • English (English Communication I, English Communication II and English Communication III)

Faculty of Informatics

Admissions Policy

Human Resource Training and Educational Research Objectives

In a rapidly changing information and communications environment, the aim of the Faculty of Informatics is to help create a new information society. To that end, our objective is to train professionals who can investigate and analyze the society created by telecommunications technologies, and who can then create, further evaluate and improve information systems and social mechanisms to increase the quality of life.

The Students We Are Seeking

  • Those who have acquired the fundamental academic abilities necessary for studies in the department
  • Those with an interest in the research areas of the department and who are highly motivated to tackle various information and social problems
  • Those with an avid intellectual curiosity and who are capable of deepening their studies independently

Study in High School

To successfully complete your studies in the Faculty of Informatics without hardship the following high school curriculum is recommended (This does not necessarily apply to the AO mature student entrance examination and overseas student entrance examination.)

Department of Sociology and Media Studies

It is recommended that you have taken the following subjects.

  • English (English Communication I, English Communication II, English Communication III, English Expression I and English Expression II)
  • Japanese Language (Integrated Japanese Language) or Mathematics (Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics A and Mathematics B)

Department of Information Systems

It is recommended that you have taken the following subjects.

  • English (English Communication I, English Communication II, English Communication III, English Expression I and English Expression II)
  • Mathematics (Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics A and Mathematics B)

Faculty of Urban Life Studies

Admissions Policy

Human Resource Training and Educational Research Objectives

The progress of internationalization and computerization has led to a world where half of the population now lives in cities. In such a world, it is necessary to study and practice urban design to continually improve the quality of people’s lives. The objective of the Faculty of Urban Life Studies is to equip professionals with both social science and space design skills, and who can be creative in business and culture. We expect that such people will then take leadership positions in international society as business people and experts in cities and urban creation.

The Students We Are Seeking

  • Those who sympathize with the philosophy of the Faculty of Urban Life Studies, who have an interest in cities and who wish to work in fields related to cities in the future
  • Those with an interest and curiosity in a wide range of fields (e.g., townscape and interior space design, and urban culture and art) based on social science studies in areas such as commercial science and management studies
  • Those who are practical, with a desire to work in international society, in cities around the world, to create an urban life that has value

Study in High School

It is recommended that you have taken the following subjects in high school to pursue your studies in the Faculty of Urban Life Studies without hardship. (The examination subjects vary depending on the type of entrance examination. In addition, it is recommended that you have diligently studied English to be able to cope with internationalization.)
English (English Communication I, English Communication II and English Communication III), Japanese Language (Integrated Japanese Language), Geography and History (at least two subjects from World History A, Japanese History A, Geography A, World History B, Japanese History B and Geography B) and Mathematics (Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics A and Mathematics B)

Faculty of Human Life Sciences

Admissions Policy

Human Resource Training and Educational Research Objectives

The aim of the Faculty of Human Life Sciences is to train professionals who comprehensively understand child care and education, development and psychology, culture, health and welfare and the environment, and to impart a high level of specialization equipped with abundant sensitivity and flexible intelligence, which would enable them to contribute to improvement in these areas.

The Students We Are Seeking

  • Those who are highly motivated to learn about children and adults involved with children
  • Those who have the fundamental academic skills to study at university
  • Those who have an autonomous spirit and who can act proactively while cooperating with others
  • Those who have a strong intention to try hard to overcome difficulties toward their objectives

Study in High School

It is necessary to have studied extensive basic knowledge, including both science subjects and humanities subjects, to successfully complete your studies in the Faculty of Human Life Sciences without hardship. In particular, foreign language ability is also required in order to cope with increasing globalization.

Special Admission for International Students (Gaikokujin-Ryugakusei Tokubetsu Nyushi)

Admission Steps for April 2022 Enrollment for International Students

  • Application submission period : September 30 to October 7, 2021
  • Examination Date : December 11, 2021
Faculty of Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Systems Engineering
Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering
Medical Engineering
Applied Chemistry
Nuclear Safety Engineering
Natural Sciences
Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design Architecture
Urban and Civil Engineering
Faculty of Information Technology Computer Science
Intelligent Systems
Faculty of Environmental Studies Restoration Ecology and Built Environment
Environmental Management and Sustainability
Faculty of Informatics Sociology and Media Studies
Information Systems
Faculty of Urban Life Studies Urban Life Studies

The entrance examination will be held in December, 2021.
The following steps list the application procedures.

Procedures to Enter Our University (outlines)

Apply for EJU (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students)

  1. First, apply for and take the *Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (*EJU) before applying to our university. You must take the required examination subjects assigned by the faculty you wish to apply to.

    Please refer to the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) website for more information about the EJU.

    For more details about the Examination Contents, please see the list below.

Apply to our university

  1. You can apply to our university online at the following URL:

  2. If you meet the application criteria, you print an examination voucher online (on Mypage).
  3. You are required to take the entrance examination at our campus in December.
  4. We will notify you of the result of the examination.
  5. If you pass the examination, we will send you the official documents necessary for the enrollment procedures.
  6. Observing the deadline date is important for your enrollment as a student at our university.
  7. After you complete the enrollment procedures, we will send you an admission letter.

The oral examination is given in the Japanese language.

All lectures and guidance are given in the Japanese language.

Qualifications for Application

The applicant must meet all the following requirements.

  1. The applicant has nationality other than Japanese.
  2. The applicant needs to have completed 12 years of formal education outside Japan, and be qualified to enter a university in that country by April 2022.
  3. The applicant has completed education considered equivalent to requirement 2.
  4. The applicant has taken the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU).

    Scores are valid only after 2020 (November 2020, June 2021).

    The following three subjects are required by the Faculty of Information Technology.

    1. Japanese as a Foreign Language
    2. Science (Physics or Chemistry)

      We will evaluate whichever score is highest.

    3. Mathematics (Course 2)

    No minimum score is required.

  5. The applicant needs to have a status of residence as a “student” by April 2022.
  6. In principle, the applicant must reside in Japan at the time of application. (Exams are conducted face-to-face and not allowed online)

Screening Methods

Applicants will be selected based on the following admission procedures (I.II.III).

  1. Selection by Application Documents

    For more details, refer to the latest “Guide to Application for International Students.”

  2. Selection by EJU* Scores

    EJU scores from 2020 are valid. (November 2020, June 2021)
    Note: If you are only taking the second examination in 2021 (November), you may apply for the examination as an anticipated candidate.

    See the list below about the Required Examination Subjects.

Required Examination Subjects
Faculty of Science and Engineering
  1. Japanese as a Foreign Language
  2. Science (physics and chemistry)*Both

  3. Mathematics (Course 2)
Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design
  1. Japanese as a Foreign Language
  2. Science (physics or chemistry)*Either of the two

  3. Mathematics (Course 2)
Faculty of Information Technology
  1. Japanese as a Foreign Language
  2. Science (physics or chemistry)*Either of the two

  3. Mathematics (Course 2)
Faculty of Environmental Studies
  1. Japanese as a Foreign Language
  2. Select one from a, b and c.

    a. Japan and the World

    b. Science*Select two from physics, chemistry and biology

    c. Mathematics*Select from Course 1 or Course 2

Faculty of Informatics

Sociology and Media Studies

  1. Japanese as a Foreign Language
  2. Select one from a, b and c.

    a. Japan and the World

    b. Science*Select two from physics, chemistry and biology

    c. Mathematics*Select from Course 1 or Course 2

Sociology and Media Studies

  1. Japanese as a Foreign Language
  2. Mathematics*Select from Course 1 or Course 2

Faculty of Urban Life Studies
  1. Japanese as a Foreign Language
  2. Select one from a, b and c.

    a. Japan and the World

    b. Science*Select two from physics, chemistry and biology

    c. Mathematics*Select from Course 1 or Course 2

  1. Selection by Interview

Selection Schedule (Oral examination includes questions to assess your English proficiency)

Faculty Application Period Exam. Dat Result
Exam. Locations
Science and Engineering Sep. 30, 2021 –
Must be no later than
Oct. 7, 2021
(a postmark of
this day is acceptable)

*face-to-face interview
(NOT Online Interview)

Setagaya Campus
in Tokyo
Architecture and
Urban Design
Setagaya Campus
in Tokyo
Information Technology
Urban Design
Setagaya Campus
in Tokyo
Environmental Studies
Urban Design
Yokohama Campus
in Kanagawa
Urban Design
Yokohama Campus
in Kanagawa
Urban Life Studies
Urban Design
Setagaya Campus
in Tokyo