
Name KAYO Genku
Official Title Associate Professor
Affiliation Faculty of Environmental Studies, Department of Restoration Ecology and Built Environment
Profile Genku Kayo is a researcher who actively crossover the disciplines of architectural design, building engineering, and energy engineering. He explores the future energy use in districts by mathematical modelings. In the study on decentralized energy systems, renewable energy applications expanding the scale from a single building to a cluster of buildings were carried out using genetic algorithms. The concept was applied in campus buildings in the context of sustainable campus development. Now he is involved in IEA EBC Annex64 (Low Exergy Communities), or IEA EBC Annex83 (Positive Energy Districts). By collaborating with a scientific professional, he takes responsibility as a subtask leader and develops tools and methods for simulating district-scale energy systems. In addition, he is active applying numerical analysis for architectural design study and supports creative practices. He collaborates with architects and supports their architectural climate responsive design based on a knowledge of building physics, thermodynamics, and mathematical modeling. The methods and approaches are not limited only to design work but also the actions of residents to build an understanding of energy and climate in daily life. Since he has career records employed in universities in Finland and Sweden (2012-2019), he is involved in international communities especially in Nordic regions.
Research Field(Keyword & Summary)
  1. Thermodynamics, Mathematical Modeling, Building Simulation, Environmental Design, Energy Community

    Our challenge is to explore ways to get a better understanding of energy flow in our built environment, and to become a responsible person to manage our energy flow by ourselves as a member of "energy community". To achieve the aims, we apply research methods such as environmental scanning, building performance simulation, and mathematical modeling, and try to generate and propose new ideas towards a sustainable future. The research is carried out with the knowledge from building physics, thermodynamics, or architectural engineering, but also done together with researchers from such as computer science, architecture, energy engineering, product design, and so on as interdisciplinary collaboration.

Representative Papers
  1. Kayo, Genku; Shukuya, Masanori; Martinac, Ivo; Energy and exergy analysis of waste-water heat recovery in a multi-family residential complex, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 609,6,62014, 2019, IOP Publishing.
  2. Hirvonen, Janne; Kayo, Genku; Hasan, Ala; Sirén, Kai; Zero energy level and economic potential of small-scale building-integrated PV with different heating systems in Nordic conditions, Applied Energy, 167, 255-269, 2016, Elsevier.
  3. Lahdelma, Risto; Kayo, Genku; Abdollahi, Elnaz; Salminen, Pekka; Optimization and multicriteria evaluation of district heat production and storage, New Perspectives in Multiple Criteria Decision Making, 371-396, 2019, Springer, Cham.
  4. De Roode, Alexander Francois; Martinac, Ivo; Kayo, Genku; High-Performance and Energy Resilient Communities: Disaster prevention through community engagement, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 294, 1, 12026, 2019, IOP Publishing.
  5. Hirvonen, Janne; Kayo, Genku; Cao, Sunliang; Hasan, Ala; Sirén, Kai; Renewable energy production support schemes for residential-scale solar photovoltaic systems in Nordic conditions, Energy Policy, 79, 72-86, 2015, Elsevier.
  6. Kayo, Genku; Hasan, Ala; Siren, Kai; Energy sharing and matching in different combinations of buildings, CHP capacities and operation strategy, Energy and Buildings, 82, 685-695, 2014, Elsevier.
  7. Kayo, Genku; Suzuki, Nobue; On-site Energy Management by Integrating Campus Buildings and Optimizing Local Energy Systems‒Case Study of the Campus in Finland, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 4, 4, 347-359, 2016.
  8. Kayo, Genku; Martinac, Ivo; Shukuya, Masanori; Rahimibaroughi, Hossein; Heat Recovery from Waste-water in Buildings-A System-Oriented Longitudinal Study, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 2018.
  9. Kayo, Genku; Arabzadeh, Vahid; Martinac, Ivo; Lahdelma, Risto; Statistic data based holistic building performance analysis: Method development through case study on finnish residential sector, International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture,1181-1182, 2018.
  10. Fotouhi, F; Hudert, Markus; Kayo, Genku; Kotnik, Toni; Flex Skin: Developing a material system based on interlocking wooden panels, Structures and Architecture: Bridging the Gap and Crossing Borders, 730-737, 2019, CRC Press.
Award 1st prize in Technological Advancements category, and Special Commendation of Aalto Properties Ltd., Energy Dialogue with Invisibles (Genku Kayo & Nobue Suzuki), Energy Efficiency & Low Carbon Competition 2014-2015, April 2015.
1st prize, Aalto ACREs development project, “Aalto R2” (Genku Kayo & Nobue Suzuki), Energy Efficient & Low Carbon Competition 2015-2016, April 2016.
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Support: Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Research Grants/Projects including subsidies, donations, grants, etc. Aalto Energy Efficiency Program, Aalto ACREs development project “Aalto R2”, funded by Aalto Campus and Real Estate (ACRE), 2016 to 2017, total funding amount: 5,000 EUR
Academy Postdoctoral Researcher, Aalto University, School of Engineering, Department of Energy Technology, “Nearly zero energy community by integrating and optimizing local energy systems”, funded by Academy of Finland, 2014 to 2017, amount: 356,454 EUR
Supervision of 2 PhD students at Dept of Building Service Engineering, KTH, since 2014.
Supervision of PhD student at Dept of Energy Technology, Aalto University, since 2012.
Supervision of master degree student at Department of Architecture, the University of Tokyo, from April 2011 to 2013.
Visiting Researcher, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, International Research Staff Exchange Scheme, Marie Curie Actions, Seventh Framework Program, titled “R & D in Sustainable Building Energy Systems and Retrofitting”, 2012 to 2013, amounts: 606,900 EUR
Leadership in sub task group of Research Project on the Development of Low-Carbon Society Scenarios for the Asian Region, funded by JST and JICA, 5 year project from 2011 to 2015 (my role was until 2012), total funding amount: 1,450,000 EUR (equivalent)
Visiting Researcher, Asian University of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand, December 2008 to January 2009, granted by Global COE, funding amount: 5,000EUR (equivalent).
Leadership in collaborative research with Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. (Japan) from April 2008 to March 2010, funding amount: 33,500EUR (equivalent).
Leadership in collaborative research with GS Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. (Korea) from April 2008 to March 2010, funding amount: 19,000EUR (equivalent).
Leadership in Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), titled as “Development of optimal design method for distributed energy systems based on renewable energies”, from April 2009 to March 2012, funding amount: 58,000 EUR (equivalent)
Leadership in research, Oobayashi foundation, Support program for urban studies, from April 2009 to March 2010, funding amount: 12,000 EUR (equivalent)
Recruitment of research assistant(s) Yes
Affiliated academic society (Membership type) Architectural Informatics Society, Architectural Institute of Japan, IBPSA-Japan, IEA EBC Annex83
Education Field (Undergraduate level) Mathematics in Environmental Physics, Built Environment Science
Education Field (Graduate level) Environmental Architecture, Innovation and Readership for Global Scale Issues
