Study at TCU


Name AKASHI Tatsuo
Official Title Professor
Affiliation Urban Planning, Public Policy on Urban Issues
Profile Professor of Tokyo City University. Has thirty years carrier as a technocrat on practical administration of urban planning in both the central government (City Bureau of the Ministry) and local government (Yokohama City). Bone in 1961. Graduate from the University of Tokyo in 1984. Director of Yokohama City in 1991. Senior Officer on Land Use Planning of the Ministry in 2004. Head of City Planning Research Division of National Institute in 2006. Professor of the University of Tokyo in 2007. Current position since 2014.
Research Field(Keyword & Summary)
  1. (1) Spatial Planning

    (1) Spatial Planning

  2. (2) Public Policies on Urban Issues

    (2) Public Policies on Urban Issues

Representative Papers
  1. (1) Transition of Planning Policies of Central Tokyo, City planning review 69(4), 30-33, 2020-07
  2. (2) Fifty years of Area Division System in Japan, Shintoshi, 73(4), 122-130, 2019-04
  3. (3) Performance Evaluation Method for Urban Structure : In terms of Land Use Layout and Public Transportation Services, Urban housing sciences (107), 33-38, 2019
  4. (4) Current Situation of Property Tax on Mingled Farmland in Urban Area and Availability of New Established "Garden Residential Zone", Urban Housing Sciences (101), 22-27, 2018
  5. (5) Structural Changes of Tokyo Metropolitan Region in terms of Recent Relaxation of Commuter Train Rush, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan (48), 525-530, 2013
  6. (6) A principle on land use control in mixed use residential areas which compatible both with quietness and daily convenience : A study based on measured data in terms of trip generation of daily stores and noise generation of access traffics, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 47(3), 1003-1008, 2012-10
  7. (7) A Study on Call-in Policy for Retail Development in England, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan 43(2), 19-24, 2008-10
  8. (8) A study about unconformity between the development project and the administration body on land use control system in view of regional scale; By analysis of the regional shopping center development projects in the suburbs of local cities”, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Vol.43, No.3, pp421-426, 2005
  9. (9) A study on Incentive Zoning System with Different FAR by Floor Use of Office or Commerce ; Evaluation of Adequacy Applying to Central Sistrict of Tokyo”, Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan, Vol.38, No.1, pp25-33, 2003
  10. (10) A Study on Rezoning Process of Area Division for Location of Large-scale Retail Stores; By Analyzing a Case in Niigata City-planning Area”, Journal of City Planning Institute of Japan, No.36, pp325-330, 2001
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Support: Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Recruitment of research assistant(s) NO
Affiliated academic society (Membership type) City Planning Institute of Japan (Senior Member)
Education Field (Undergraduate level) Urban Planning, Urban Public Policies
Education Field (Graduate level) Advanced Urban Planning
