Study at TCU


Name MAKI Tetsuo
Official Title Professor
Affiliation Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
Profile In the past as the engineer with Nissan motor company, my accomplishment was to be participated into SC10 WG2 as ISO secretary and to be delegated as Japanese expert for making pedestrian protection test procedure. As a result two test procedures, based on the faithfulness under the impact-biomechanics and proposed by Japan, have been standardized for pedestrian head protection and leg protection in a car-to-pedestrian collision. And then, my expertise are not only pedestrian protection, but also bicycle occupants protection. Currently, the development of the safety technology for miniature cars required as global warm is engaged.
Research Field(Keyword & Summary)
  1. Crashworthiness, Occupant safety, Protection for vulnerable road users(,Pedestrian Safety, Cyclist Safety)

    Improvement of impact safety performance for occupants/protection of vulnerable road users

Representative Papers
  1. 1) Influence of Bicycle Deformation and Type on Head Injury Values of a Cyclist in a Car-to-Bicycle Collision, IJAE 2019/11 Volume 10 Issue 4 316-3
  2. 2) Development of Side-Impact Test Method for CRS, 23rd International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles: Student Safety Technology Design Competition 2013
  3. 3) Influence of the arms on pedestrian head injury at the time of vehicle collision, JSAE, 2009/07 Vol.30 No.1
  4. 4) Analysis of Vehicle-bicyclist Accident in Japan and Development of an Airbag System for Controlling Collision Behavior, 2003 International Pacific Conference-12
  5. 5) A fundamental study of frontal oblique offset impact, 2003 ESV 18th International Technical Conference On the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, 2003/5
  6. 6) Comparative Analysis of Vehicle-Bicyclist and Vehicle-Pedestrian Accidents in Japan, International Journal of Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2003/9 Vol.35 No.3
  1. Pop-up hood system for pedestrian safety (in Japanese)3791066
  2. Pop-up hood system for pedestrian safety (in Japanese) 3791141
  3. Pop-up hood system for pedestrian safety (in Japanese)3785754
  4. Pop-up hood system for pedestrian safety (in Japanese)3785713
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Support: Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Recruitment of research assistant(s) No
Affiliated academic society (Membership type) JSAE(Committee member and chairman), JSME (One of the Committee member), JCTS(Director)
Education Field (Undergraduate level) Collision safety, Occupant Safety, Body structure
Education Field (Graduate level) Collision safety, Occupant Safety, Body structure
