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エディスコーワン大学(以下:ECU)より5名の学生が来日し、11月20日から5週間に渡り、本学 大学院 環境情報学研究科 国際連携環境融合科学専攻(ジョイント・ディグリープログラム)の事前実証プログラムに参加しました。
2024年4月、大学院 環境情報学研究科に 東京都市大学・エディスコーワン大学 国際連携環境融合科学専攻が開設されます。今回、同専攻の開設に先立ち、文部科学省 大学教育再生戦略推進費「大学の世界展開力強化事業~インド太平洋地域との大学間交流形成支援~」による支援を受けて、ECU学生の招聘が実現したものです。
Edith Cowan University (ECU) students participated in the pilot program of the “International Collaborative Program of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Sustainability (Joint Degree), (2023/11/20-12/23).
Five students from Edith Cowan University (ECU) visited Japan to participate in the pilot program of the Joint Degree Program of the “International Collaborative Program of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Sustainability between Tokyo City University and Edith Cowan University” at the Graduate School of Environment and Information Studies at TCU for five weeks from November 20.
ECU students observed Japanese culture, cities, history, industrial facilities, etc. during the first week, and from the second week onward, they joined four laboratories of the Graduate School of Environment and Information Studies (Rijal Laboratory, Yokota Laboratory, Kayo Laboratory, and Furukawa Laboratory) for one week each to participate in seminars, attend lectures, and conduct field studies with the members of these laboratories.
The students showed a strong interest in what they learned in their laboratories: thermal environment assessment of buildings, urban ecological network and green infrastructure planning, energy systems in the built environment, lifestyle innovation and development of underutilized resources, and more.
On the final day of the program, the students made presentations and expressed their hopes to deepen their studies in this major as they found interesting themes through this program and to promote further collaboration between Japan and Australia in the future.